Monday, October 5, 2009

Infant Chiaropractors

So today I took elly to a chiaropractor to get an adjustment, because i cant think of any other reason why she's been grumpy and not sleeping lately. When I took her there they did a scan on her back with this thing that looked like a claw lol. well the chairopractor said he back was pretty tweaked and there was good reasons why she was sore, and that was what was making her colicky. So they gave her an adjustment and immediately she looked sleepy. The chairopractor said to let her sleep and if she got sore just put a warm rag on her back.. she had a nap right before the appointment but promptly fell asleep driving home. then she was happier, and more alert when she woke up, she ate her food without a fuss and went to bed at 830.. so far the chiaropractor has seemed to work. I hope so cause she needs sleep to grow and i wouldnt mind a few extra hours of sleep. We'll see how it pans out tonight and then she has another appointment for a final adjustment tomorrow :) I hope it works, so far im a believer!! Well thats my elly update.

Updates on me and anthony. I got a 100 on my math test the other day. yes im pretty proud of myself. Anthony is doing well in all his classes too and im so proud of him because he works so hard on everything he does :) I am a lucky women. well thats our update :)


  1. I love the Chiropractor! I went during the last half of my pregnancy and it was amazing! Then after I had my baby we took her in a few times too because she was having problems opening her mouth wide enough! It made a huge difference! Good Luck!

  2. i never even knew there was baby chiro'! i envy how elly is feeling now though. i need an adjustment...they feel AMAZING!!!
