Saturday, September 26, 2009


I feel like a horrible mom.. My daughter doesnt sleep very good and last night she was up four times and then at 5am decided to wake up and not go back to sleep.. i kept my cool and tried for an hour to put her to sleep then, without success, then anthony tried for an hour,with no success. So I let anthony come back to bed and i got up with her.. well she wouldnt do anything.. wouldnt take a bottle wouldnt stop screaming. (oh and shes standing up and trying to climb out of her crib.. so I put her in the walker(screaming) and try to lower the crib.. well the crib is retarded and i cant get it to work and im already frustrated so i get a little harsh toned with elly.. Why am I so stupid, she is a beautiful little girl who doesnt know better than to cry when she needs something. I love her so much but I get so frustrated sometimes. I just feel bad because she doesnt know better and I am a horrible ogre. My poor husband must think .. I married a psycho cause i just freaked out. Well anyways, im just a little frazzled.. any of you moms had days like these?


  1. yeah right i hardly believe you are a bad mother! im impressed you feel bad about it! that means you are definitely a good mother!

  2. oh please you're not a bad mom. I'm not a mom but my sister in law told me she struggled big time with her third when he wouldn't sleep through the night at about this age...she had to let him "cry it out" for a whole night. She locked herself in her bedroom so she wouldn't go upstairs to get him out of bed :) It was sad and she cried the whole time and felt like a bad mother.. but it worked! GOOD LUCK!

  3. Kailey you are not a bad mother at all! She may be teething and that makes them very grumpy ;) sorry you are having a rough time!
